Dear ELOY friends...(video)


...first of all we would like to thank you for the strong response to our album ''Visionary'', and also for the great interest and enormous appreciation that our music finds throughout the world.

This has always by far exceeded our expectations, and, I must also admit, that we were not prepared for this. What, at the time, was only intended as a single campaign, and a ''thank you'' for all the activities and tremendous loyalty for the ELOY fans throughout the world, had suddenly taken its own momentum, providing us with completely new challenges.

We were not prepared for a situation of this magnitude and it is not easy now deal with this properly, since we haven’t been the band from a town in Germany for a long time, and now live far away and separate from each other in different places where we now have our existence. Thus, we are now looking for ways that we, despite these troublesome circumstances and going beyond the production of ''Visionary'', can continue to make music together and keep the band going.

Although this whole situation, about which we are very happy, was unforeseen, it takes time and requires great organizational talent to create the preconditions that make a continuous continuation of the band possible.

The desire to want to see the band perform live once again reaches us constantly, which, of course under the circumstances described presents a particular problem, since everyone necessarily has to either partly give up his professional duties and obligations, or at least interrupt them for many weeks. This presents most of us with considerable difficulties, since no one can afford to jeopardize his professional existence. The rehearsals and technical organization alone to put on a convincing show would take at least a month. Since this would be burdened with significant costs, going on tour for at least another month would be necessary in order to recoup the costs.
I am putting this plainly to you, because you deserve a candid answer and I do not want to lead you up the garden path. Sure, we do have the intention of satisfying your wish for concerts and are now looking for possibilities (in terms of time, financially and organisationally) about how best to achieve this.

As far the re-releases of the albums ''Ra'', ''Destination'' and ''The Tides Returns Forever'' are concerned, we do not want to simply reissue them again as they were, but rather release them in much better quality and packaging (possibly with bonus material). Some songs, such as ''Destination'', even get different versions. Also for the above reasons, we cannot put ourselves under time pressure, if it is to be convincing and really offer you something. Also, ''Chronicles'' will be reissued as a double with further surprises. We will tackle this in the late summer; promised!

Regarding the DVD, this will be produced by two friends, namely the graphic designer Michael Narten (who you know from our CD booklets) and the filmmaker Steffen Kreye, who have invested all of their possible time to create a truly complete retrospective of the band. The interviews are also there for the non-German-speaking fans with English subtitles, and this takes time. Nevertheless, we fully expect that that the DVD can be released in late autumn.

I would be happy to be able to reply to your many questions regarding playing live and further publications, and I greet you all warmly, also on behalf of the other guys from the band.

Frank Bornemann
Δημοσίευση: Ιουλίου 02, 2010

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