Although Greece is a tiny area of the world has a symbolic value that both rivals are committing hostilities in order to gain control. Greece rests in south of Europe touches the path from East to West regarding goods, peoples and ideas. It is billions euro "bond" belted and a total powerless hostage to the rival. A hostage rescue operation remains a critical issue in which many times the hostage dies along with its executioner. Europe has no experience of such operations. A Greece hopeless suicide it may also become a painful hit to West. In any way Greece even saved will need an emergency quick recovery so as to become again a west symbol that links past with future worth its saving efforts.
Russia may form a predictable opponent but its size could cause irretrievable casualties to West even defeated. Its history and structure hints it to limit its presence in 21th century as it is still unable to accept Cold War defeat. Its’ descent leader makes a desperate effort to gain as many war spoils he can for his nation but sooner or later his successor will have to admit the truth. A reckless offense in Ukraine terrain will do nothing more than deteriorates the facts. A handful compromise is a win-win end in the strategic level and a win in an unneeded world war for both.
The last but not least threat comes up as the most lethal "head" of the world. An asymmetric rival without center of power that can clones easily, infiltrates in the opponents immune system and detonates in any time. His win will mean the end of human civilization as already has shown in many cases by destroying monuments and humiliating humans. A dark empire will reverse human time in case of its expansion. Humanity will have soon no other option than to unify so as to defeat this operational for the moment enemy.
All the above "heads" are dangerous delaying freedom expansion and outside world traveling while a simultaneous aggression may not be excluded making things worse. Time is also an enemy as it always favorites only the brave ones.
As WWI and II revealed there is no better win in a war than the one you make without the war and soon we will meet the start or the end of WW GRI.
Τα θέματα των αναρτήσεων δεν εκφράζουν απαραίτητα και τις απόψεις των διαχειριστών και των συντακτών του ιστολογίου μας. Τα σχόλια εκφράζουν τις απόψεις των σχολιαστών και μόνο αυτών.
Σχόλια που περιέχουν ύβρεις ή απρεπείς χαρακτηρισμούς διαγράφονται κατά τον έλεγχο από την ομάδα διαχείρισης. Ευχαριστούμε.